The Military Diet is a good option if you want to reduce weight quickly. However, I recommend you learn more about this diet before you start.
It hasn't been proven in any studies to assist you lose weight. Because it is a low-calorie diet, you may feel hungry, weary, and grumpy.
If you stick to the plan, you might drop up to 10 pounds in a week. It's a low-calorie, very strict diet with some foods that appear to be nutritious and others that don't. There are established breakfast, lunch, and supper menus, but that's it. There are no refreshments, and there is no leeway in terms of meal selections based on your preferences.
The diet itself is only 3 days long. After then, for at least four days, return to a normal, healthy diet. If you want to lose additional weight, you can repeat the plan as many times as you like as long as you take four-day intervals between each meal plan. One important caveat is that it isn't recommended to go on such a strict diet for more than three days in a row.
What You Are Allowed to Eat and What You Are Not Allowed to Eat Every bite you'll take on this diet has been carefully selected for you. To achieve the best outcomes, you must adhere to the plan to the letter. It excludes superfoods such as salmon, almonds, and quinoa. Instead, standard fare such as canned tuna, hard-boiled eggs, and cheddar cheese are available. Some meals include bread, but it isn't the healthful whole grain variety you might anticipate. Saltine crackers are included in at least one meal.
Food options are severely limited on the plan's three "on" days. On "off" days, such as this one, there is a little more diversity. Day 1: Peanut butter toast, tuna, grapefruit, hot dogs, broccoli, and ice cream Day 2: cottage cheese and banana; steak and green beans; and hot dogs and apple Day 3: Grapefruit and hard-boiled eggs; hot dog and green beans; cottage cheese with saltines Day 4: Yogurt parfait; protein-topped salad; shrimp and zucchini spaghetti Day 5: Oatmeal with nuts and berries; brown rice chicken stir-fry; bean and beef stew; ice cream Day 6: Vegetable omelet; tomato soup with whole grain bread and low-fat cheese; salmon with quinoa and kale.
Day 7, off: Whole-grain toast with nut butter, fruit; spinach salad with chicken; pork tenderloin with root vegetables
Foods that have been approved Followers must eat meals from a specific list during the first three days. The "on" days, which range from 1,100 to 1,400 calories per day, are referred to as "on" days. There are a variety of foods to choose from, including: Toast with peanut butter Eggs that have been hardboiled Cottage cheese is a type of cheese that is made Grapefruit Tuna Meat Dogs on a stick (no bun) Crackers with saltine Bananas Apples Broccoli Beans (green) Coffee Scoop of vanilla ice cream
Water, black coffee or tea are permitted, but no soda, milk, juice, or alcohol are permitted. As much as possible, stick to the menu. If you have food allergies or other dietary requirements, you can substitute some foods. However, only make substitutions that the diet allows. Sunflower seed butter, for example, can be used for peanut butter, and a tofu hot dog can be substituted for a hot dog. But don't substitute an orange for the grapefruit, and vanilla ice cream for a scoop of mint chip or cookie dough.
The meal is simple to find in the supermarket, and it requires very little cooking or food preparation. However, you may feel quite hungry while on the diet, and it may take a lot of discipline to make it through three days without straying. Because you'll be eating only approximately 1,500 calories each day, you could feel a little more lethargic than usual. If you decide to exercise, you may get even more exhausted, so exercise in moderation.
You don't have to forgo carbs, dairy, or any other food groups if you follow the Military Diet. However, you may not want to eat out while on the program because the food options are limited and unlikely to be found on a regular menu. While it's a good idea to exercise every day, don't overdo it during the three days you're on this low-calorie diet by sprinting or lifting heavy weights. Walking or mild yoga are good alternatives.
Vegans and vegetarians: Eggs, tuna, beef, and hot dogs can all be easily substituted, according to the recipe: Instead, eat almonds, lentils, tofu, and soy/tofu dogs. Instead of cheddar, vegans can have nut/tofu cheese, as well as soy ice cream and vegan cottage cheese. Gluten-free diet: Choose gluten-free bread or crackers when the menu calls for them. Low-salt diet: All processed goods on the menu are available in low-salt versions. Saltines can be replaced with rice cakes or low-salt melba toast.
In Closing:
The Benefits of a Three-Day Military Diet The three-day military diet has minimal advantages. Provides a planned strategy: The diet promises rapid weight loss and includes an organized plan to help you achieve it, removing the guesswork from dieting.
Induces weight loss: Weight loss can be beneficial, but only if it is done in a long-term manner. The weight loss that occurs as a result of this diet is unlikely to last.
The Disadvantages of a Three-Day Military Diet The 3-Day Military Diet, like most fad diets, has more problems than benefits. It's possible that you're not getting enough nutrients: The diet is extremely restrictive, including nutrient-depleted manufactured foods, and may not give enough calories to keep you going all day. It isn't regarded as a healthy eating regimen. Because the meal plan is so exact and strict, the follower is unable to learn internal hunger cues or meal plans after the goals have been met. This will almost certainly lead to weight gain.
This isn't a long-term fix: Proponents of the 3-Day Military Diet believe that it can help you lose weight quickly. Even if you drop a few pounds, it's more than likely water weight. The diet is restricted and unrealistic in regards to long-term eating.
There is no scientific proof: The Military Diet is touted as one of the most "natural" diets available. This, however, is not based on scientific data. Promotes the consumption of unhealthy foods: Hot dogs, a fully processed, artificial cuisine, are encouraged as part of the diet. When taken in excess, processed foods contain substances that may increase your risk of cancer and heart disease.
Promotes harmful eating habits: The Military Diet promotes poor eating habits, which may drive some people to prefer unprocessed meals over natural, whole foods or to develop eating disorders.
In Closing:
The 3-Day Military Diet is said to be helpful for short-term weight loss, but any weight lost on the regimen is likely to be recovered once you begin a normal diet.
The Military Diet isn't a long-term weight-reduction solution or a healthy eating plan, and it doesn't teach essential skills like proper wholesome meal planning and preparation that can aid in long-term weight loss.
This diet alternates between being on for three days and then off for four days, with the 'on' days providing just roughly 1,100 to 1,400 calories and the four 'off' days allowing only 1,500 calories. In my humble opinion this is severely restricting and provides insufficient energy for the majority of active people.
While reducing calories to 1,500 per day can help you lose weight, a short-term diet that emphasizes harmful processed foods like hot dogs isn't the best way to improve your general health and weight management, especially if you repeat the cycle.
About The Authors: Steve & Corrie are Christian Bloggers, Videographers, Steve is a Research Analyst, Corrie is a business owners and both are Personal Trainers who competed at a national level.