I have been thinking a lot about why it is so hard for many businesses to hire good people these days. At the beginning of the pandemic, people were worried about losing their jobs. As we are slowly getting back to some form of normalcy, many businesses have discovered it is challenging to hire good people. What is happening? There are a few reasons but I will focus on one particular explanation that has attributed to this dilemma. I believe its due, in part, to the stimulus packages being rolled out by various national governments, which has simply made it painless for workers to stay home. There is no real incentive to look for work since their financial needs are being met by these government hand-outs.
From a Christian’s perspective I would suggest it can be attributed to a “Heart Condition”. There are two conditions of the heart – tender and callous. When we think of callous we sometimes think of hands being callous. Now, callous hands have built nations! We would not have the infrastructures we have today without the perseverance of these hands. It is nothing fancy, just mere hard work. I live close to the Canadian Rocky mountains and there have been times when I looked upon a section of railway that goes through a steep mountain range. Just thinking about the personal sacrifices and hard work by these incredible men and women from the past leaves me in awe and a heightened sense of admiration. We are truly better off today because of their hard work and dedication.
Referring to my topic of callous hearts. They are the complete opposite of a tender heart. Callous hearts entertain bitterness or resentment at their current situation. These hearts grumble and are negatively critical about their situations and often times demand privileges while offering no solutions. They’ve lost the joy that once resided within them and have embraced apathy. It’s a dangerous landing spot.
As a Christian I understand that hearts become callous when people suffer setbacks and disappointments in life, which has been plentiful during this pandemic. No one is immune to trials here on earth. Yet, just as steel is forged by a blacksmith’s hammer, so, too, can our faith be strengthened by the trials we encounter in the valleys of life. As the Apostle Paul encouraged the Romans: “But we also rejoice in our sufferings because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out His love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom He has given us” (Romans 5:3–5).
Whereas tender hearts bring meaning to hard work. They are generous and giving. They don't ask for exceptions and offer no excuses. They are hopeful in challenges. They will learn to overcome hardship. Tender hearts offer to heal the broken and joy to the oppressed. People with tender hearts make a difference without any loud speech and fanfare. They show up and make up for what is missing in the world.
So, what then is the antidote for a callous heart condition? As a Christian I truly believe that we need to recognize the effect a callous heart has on us. I encourage all believers to ask God to help them to see their heart’s condition. There is a powerful prayer I am going to suggest, which is taken from Psalm 139: verses 23 and 24 that states: “Search me O God, and know my heart…see if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting”. When we walk in faith and pray earnestly I know God can heal any heart.
In closing I will refer to my favorite Life Skills book, the Bible. When speaking about the callous heart lets look at Proverbs 14 verse 10 “The heart knows its own bitterness, and no stranger shares its joy”
When it comes to a tender heart lets look at Romans 8 verse 28 “And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose."
I hope and pray this has brought inspiration to you, specifically during these challenging times. May God Bless you and your loved ones. Amen.
About The Author: Steve is a Christian Blogger, Videographer, and Personal Trainer. His content creation focuses on Societal Lifestyles, Health/Fitness and Faith.
