Tips and Tricks to Make Intermittent Fasting Easier
Feb 14, 20235 min read
Updated: Feb 23, 2024
Intermittent fasting is all the rage these days, and for good reason! This type of diet can offer many benefits, including weight loss, improved mental clarity, and increased energy levels.
However, intermittent fasting can also be difficult to stick with if you're not prepared. In this blog post, we'll share tips and tricks to help make intermittent fasting easier to adhere to. Whether you're new to the diet or have been struggling to stick with it, these tips will help you achieve your goals. So let's get started!
Intermittent Fasting
Intermittent fasting is a dietary pattern that functions in cycles of fasting and eating. It has been practiced throughout human history, likely beginning with our earliest ancestors. During periods of food scarcity, subsistence populations traditionally practiced variations of what we now call intermittent fasting by omitting meals as needed and stretching generally smaller meals to make them last longer. Fasting then progressed into a spiritual practice among many faiths, leveraging periods of abstention from food and drink as an emotional relationship-building tool between humankind and their beliefs. However, research has revealed some remarkable metabolic health benefits associated with intermittent fasting that includes increase in human growth hormone, boosting metabolism, reducing insulin resistance, inflammation, lowering blood pressure & cholesterol levels, autophagy (removing waste material from cells), brain health and longevity.
Intermittent fasting is defined as an eating pattern that alternates between periods of eating and fasting, usually with the goal of optimizing health and reaching a state of ketosis. It involves periods of time when no food or calorie-containing beverages are consumed, typically over a 12-24 hour interval. This provides the body with an extended break from the need to digest food, often resulting in improved energy, focus, and productivity levels.
In short, intermittent fasting is an increasingly popular strategy to promote health and longevity while avoiding many of the common drawbacks associated with traditional diets and fasting plans.
Set Up Consistent Schedule
Establishing a consistent schedule for fasting and eating is essential for both health and mental clarity. When you plan out your meals and stick to that schedule, your body will become conditioned to the new routine and will begin to better regulate metabolism, hormones, and digestive juices. This is an especially important strategy when attempting to lose weight, as it can help to curb cravings by ensuring that energy levels remain relatively constant throughout the day.
Additionally, having a consistent eating pattern can help prevent excessive entrees at certain times of the day when energy tends to dip. To get the most out of this approach, make sure your meal plan fits within your individual lifestyle so that it is easy to maintain progress over time.
Stay Hydrated
Staying hydrated should be a crucial part of your nutritional plan. Our bodies contain more water than anything else and it's vital for good health - even mild dehydration can cause fatigue, occasional headaches, and a weakened immune system as well as impairing your mental function. Staying hydrated also helps to stave off hunger pangs which can lead to mindless munching on unhealthy snacks. So staying hydrated throughout the day should be just as important as maintaining a balanced diet.
In general, water constitutes the go-to beverage for fasters; where coffee or tea gets consumed during this period, it's best to keep them free of additional calories and other ingredients that might be added such as milk or sugar. For optimal results when fasting, stick with water and drinks with fewer than ten calories per serving.
Eat High-Protein Meals
Eating high-protein meals is an effective way to maintain feelings of satiety throughout the day. Protein is a nutrient that helps to foster fullness due to its slow digestion and robust amino acid composition. Protein also can remain in the stomach longer than other macronutrients, leading to a more sustained sensation of fullness that can help stave off hunger for extended periods of time.
Incorporating higher protein sources into your diet plan is an incredibly important factor for any weight management or general health and wellness program.
Offer advice on what to do if you feel like you're struggling with sticking to the diet
Avoid Sugary Drinks
Consuming sugary drinks may seem like a good way to give your energy levels a quick boost, however, it is important to remember that it won’t last long. Not only will you find your levels of energy crashing soon after, but it may also cause other health issues in the long run. Studies have repeatedly shown that replacing sugary drinks with healthier options such as unsweetened tea or water can make all the difference in terms of managing alertness and fatigue over an extended period of time.
Furthermore, indulging in sugary drinks will not help satisfy hunger pangs and will basically just provide empty calories meaning there won’t be any benefit for your health at all.
Get Enough Sleep
Sleep plays a critical role in helping us achieve our goals, no matter what they are. Getting enough restful sleep each night allows us to focus better and put forth greater effort throughout the day.
Our brains and bodies tend to be most efficient – and productivity highest – when we are well rested. Making it part of your plan to ensure you get enough restful sleep is an investment that pays off when it comes to following through with your goals. Try creating routines that will help you get in the habit of winding down earlier and sticking with them. Just make sleep a priority!
Final Thoughts
Intermittent fasting yields amazing benefits for your health and overall well-being. Research shows that it can reduce inflammation, fatigue, and body fat, as well as help optimize energy levels and even increase productivity. All of this makes intermittent fasting an incredibly powerful tool to have in your health and wellness arsenal.
Despite occasional bouts of feeling sluggish or difficulty adjust to the lifestyle change, holding steady through difficulties is key. Stick with intermittent fasting for a few weeks and you will be amazed at how much your energy levels improve! Remember that any successful lifestyle change requires dedication, hard work and motivation so don't give up - the effort is surely worth it!
I hope this blog post has been educational and helpful to you in your journey towards healthier eating. I thank you for taking the time out of your day to read it, and if you have any questions or queries please don’t hesitate to get in touch – I am here to help!
Thank you again for reading!
I do recommend an excellent resource book from on the Complete Guide To Fasting by Doctor Jason Fung. Check out his Amazon link at >>>